
The Things I've Seen...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Legalize It!

According to the Seattle Times, America could greatly cripple the Canadian Mafia by legalizing marijuana. Firstly, WTF?! Canadian Mafia?! boom boom boom! eh? LMAO.  Sorry. Apparently, they are making millions of dollars off us and our incipient use of this mood-altering weed.  Frankly, I see no reason for marijuana to be illegal. Beer isn't. The THC content can be controlled just as easily as the alcohol content in all alcoholic beverages sold by responsible brewers. I won't bore you by extolling the medicinal and therapeutic uses of ganja, but to say that there ARE both medicinal  AND therapeutic uses for marijuana.

For many decades, marijuana has been branded the Gateway Drug, leading America's youth down a long and treacherous road strewn with dirty needles, Hepatitis C, and AIDs. But there are much worse things than these "Big 3." There are lives destroyed, sometimes leaving a maximum body count in their wake. People lose their jobs, their homes, their children, and yes, even their lives all because of drugs. So please don't think I'm belittling the societal problems associated with drugs.

I do want it to be known, however, that beer is the gateway drug. It is legal, readily available to any elementary schooler who wants it, and is in practically every refrigerator in America. It is YOUR ALCOHOL, mommy and daddy, that is what first introduces your American youths to the joys of being high.  They may THEN progress to marijuana, but ALCOHOL is where it started.

Think of the revenue the States could generate with marijuana shops like their ABC stores.  Just imagine not having to buy school supplies for your child, musical instruments, or computers for their classes because the school boards actually had funding!!

Think of the actual rehabilitation which could take place, were the jails, probation services, police departments, court rooms, and drug rehabilitation facilities not jam-PACKED with marijuana "offenders." Billions of dollars. Billions.

The truth of it is that people don't steal for their next joint. They don't kill for their next joint.  They don't hurt people for their next joint. Most marijuana users work hard every day, support their families, and create a better family unit for not being stressed out all the time. Most pot users avoid the necessity for seriously strong mind-altering drugs simply because they choose to smoke a little grass every now and again.

Just legalize it. The parents would be better parents. The workplace would spawn less and less mass killings, and people in general would be happier.  Face it; legalizing marijuana would make this country a better place.

Oh yeah! I OWN the factory that makes the soapboxes, so just LOOK OUT! *soft laugh*

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